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Acupuncture is a natural therapy treatment derived from ancient Chinese medicine. Fine needles are inserted at certain sites in the body for therapeutic or preventative purposes.
How does acupuncture work?
Western medical acupuncture is the use of needles following a medical diagnosis. It involves stimulating sensory nerves under the skin and in the muscles of the body. This results in the body producing natural substances, such as pain relieving endorphins. The centre offers a drop in service so you don't always need to book.
This treatment helps to realign your Chakras, bringing balance to the mind bod and spirit.This will balance your seven main chakras and bring you back in to balance.
At the centre we offer counselling to help you to manage your own healing process.
Counselling can be used to help with a number of different issues from addiction to anxiety.
We offer both in-person and online counselling.
Our counsellor Joe Baker is a Registered member of the BACP and is also on the Counselling Directory
Our counsellor is a senior member of the AACPH and a Fellow of the CMA.
Click the button below to learn more about counselling.
Member of the CTha
This is a gentle non-invasive treatment. A number of crystals will be placed on or around your body to balance and search for any illness. Crystal Healing helps with the following:
This therapy involves a number of different cups being placed on certain meridian points on the body. Cupping will balance the meridians within the body. It helps eliminate any toxins that may be causing extra stress. This is an ideal therapy if you have a fear of needles and would like to receive the benefits of acupuncture.
Benefits of Cupping
The process involves the gentle insertion of up to five fine needles into specific energetic points in the outer ear.
The five ear points:
The outer ear acts like a switchboard that sends impulses to the brain, which stimulate the release of endorphins, lowers stress and induces relaxation.
This treatment uses herbs to help relief symptoms from illness. during your consultation you will be asked a set of questions to help assess your health needs. The herbalist will then offer you a herbal prescription to balance any symptoms you may have. The duration of the treatment is 15 minutes. Please note there may be a cost for prescription. Herbalism helps with a range of conditions including:
Hijama Therapy rids the body of harmful pathogens by drawing out the excess blood lying dormant underneath the skin. Research has shown considerable pathological differences in the healthy blood in the veins and the stagnant blood underneath the skin.
Hijama cupping forces the body to increase its blood circulation and boosts the immune system. The treatment involves the insertion of small scratches to allow some blood flow.
Treatment last around 45 minutes.
Introductory offer first treatment £25.00
This is use of certain materials plants and minerals to help create a healing reaction within the body. The therapist will go through a consultation with you to determine your health needs. You may then be prescribed a remedy to suit your needs. Duration of appointment 45 minutes. The consultation includes 1 remedy prescription worth £5. Consultation helps with a range of conditions, including:
The candles are made from a recipe of herbs and bees wax and placed in to the ear. Once lit the candle creates a vacuum within the inner ear allowing the healing and soothing properties of the herbs to penetrate the inner ear. 30 minutes. Hopi Ear Candle Therapy helps with the following:
Hot stone massage is a variation on classic massage therapy. Heated smooth, flat stones are placed on key points on the body.
The benefits of Hot Stone Massage include:
Find out more about this treatment by clicking below.
The therapist will put you in a trance to help your subconscious mind to register and adjust certain thought and practices you may have. It is important to realise that you are in control. The hypnotist can not make you do something you do not want to do. Up to 50 minutes. Hypnotherapy can be used to help with a number of different problems, including:
This treatment involves the manipulation of the soft tissue and muscles around the neck, head and hair.
The treatment has been developed to include the neck and shoulders. The treatment pressure can be firm or soft depending on your preference. You do not need to be undressed for this treatment!
Find out more about this treatment by clicking below.
This treatment involves the manipulation of the soft tissue and muscles to cause a reaction to the body.
The benefits of massage include:
Find out more about this treatment by clicking below.
Moxibustion is a form of heat therapy in which dried plant materials called "moxa" are burned on or very near the surface of the skin. The intention is to warm and invigorate the flow of Qi in the body and dispel certain pathogenic influences. It helps to promote healing and pain relief.
The five ear points:
(1) Sympathetic – calms the nervous system and helps with overall relaxation.
(2) Shen Men / “Spirit Gate” – reduces anxiety and nervousness.
(3) Kidney Point – for calming fears and healing internal organs.
(4) Liver Point – for detoxification, blood purification, and to quell aggression.
(5) Lung Point – promotes aeration and helps clients let go of grief.
Treatment lasts for around 30 minutes.
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Hi-Tech Diagnostic Scanner Targets Health Problems At The Cellular Level In Minutes
When our health is not in good condition, our body will automatically give out certain alarms, such as fatigue, body aches, headaches, insomnia, lack of appetite, depression, anxiety, stress, fear, and so on. People who have these symptoms are determined to be in sub-health condition.
This treatment involves the manipulation of the reflex points on the feet (this does not tickle!!) The pressure used during the session will be adjusted to what you feel comfortable with. The benefits of Reflexology include
This treatment involves the laying on of hands to balance out the body's chakras. Reiki has been practised for a number of years and is becoming very popular in modern day complementary therapies. Reiki helps with a range of conditions including:
Hopi Ear Candle Therapy
Crystal Healing
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